Mrs Hinch shares best trick for a spotless fridge and freezer – 'works a treat'

Once the fridge is spick and span, it’s time to move onto the freezer, which Mrs Hinch fans will be happy to know, doesn’t need hinching “that often”.

“Most freezer food is contained in some way, so you’re not likely to get a lot of spills.”

To keep the freezer orderly and organised, Mrs Hinch’s trick is to “move the older food to the front of the freezer so I know to use that first”.

And when she does a really big shop, she is sure to look through what’s already in there and throw out anything out-of-date to avoid overcrowding.

Another tip: “Beware of unnecessary boxes because they can take up so much room. If you’ve got a huge box of ice lollies and your kids eat them all, you may only have one left and yet you’ve got this giant box taking up a ton of freezer space.

READ MORE: Mrs Hinch’s top tips for a clean bedroom – ‘I sleep better’ 
