Battlefield 2042 bullet spread will be patched this week, DICE considering 'legacy features' like scoreboard

One of the chief complaints about Battlefield 2042 so far has been the bullet spread of assault rifles, which kind of suck at range due to their erratic firing. I liked that assault rifles weren’t the dominant gun type in BF2042, but I knew this day would come: In Battlefield 2042’s second patch, releasing this Thursday, assault rifles and other guns will be made more accurate, and a bigger patch in December will make even more gun balance tweaks. DICE is also considering player complaints about the redesigned scoreboard, although it’s holding off on announcing specifics about its plan for “legacy features.”

In its big blog post today, the developer did reveal a number of specific fixes and changes coming in the next two patches, however, and bullet deviation is a small part of what’s changing. Starting with that issue, though, Thursday’s Update #2 will reduce all bullet spread while aiming down sights and moving, and reduce stationary ADS spread for “many weapons.” Bursts and single shots will also become more accurate, and the dominant PP-29 submachine gun will get more vertical recoil to make it less of a beast.
