Hair loss treatment: The 'particularly strong' oil to avoid alopecia and boost hair growth

Hair loss can be a natural part of the ageing process, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. We can even lose up to 100 hairs on our bodies every day, without even noticing. But you could prolong the life of your locks by regularly applying thyme oil to your scalp, it’s been revealed.

Losing your hair could be caused by a number of different conditions, said the NHS.

Stress, weight loss, or even an iron deficiency can lead to some form of hair loss.

But, there are some home treatments you can use that might help to prevent some types of hair loss, including alopecia.

One of the easiest ways to protect your hair is to regularly use thyme oil, it’s been claimed.

READ MORE: Hair loss treatment – the drink that could help stimulate hair growth

“One benefit some essential oils have is improving hair health. Different oils can do everything from helping hair grow to adding strength and shine,” it said.

“Thyme can help promote hair growth by both stimulating the scalp and actively preventing hair loss.

“Like cedarwood oil, thyme oil was also found to be helpful in treating alopecia areata.

“Thyme is particularly strong, even among essential oils. Put only two small drops in two tablespoons of a carrier oil before applying it to your scalp. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then wash it out.”

Meanwhile, you could also protect against hair loss by using an egg mask, it’s been claimed.

It helps to cleanse the scalp of excess oil, while also protecting against dandruff.

If you decide to use an egg white face mask for your hair, simply crack two egg whites into a bowl, and add two tablespoons of coconut oil.

Whisk the egg whites and coconut oil together, and then apply the mixture directly to your scalp.

Losing your hair isn’t necessarily something to be worried about.

But, on rare occasions, it could be a tell-tale sign of another medical condition.

You should speak to a doctor if you suddenly start losing your hair, or if you develop bald patches.

There are other treatments for hair loss – including transplants – but they aren’t available on the NHS, and you’ll need to pay for them.
