Daily Horoscope on November 11: YOUR star sign reading, zodiac and astrology forecast

Today the Sun will sextile Pluto, according to Marina from Marstars.net. The energy created when two planets are in this special 60 degree angle is very “cooperative”, meaning they work well together. She says this will make people stronger and more confident to do “what is necessary”. Marina said: “Pluto is the planet that can bring you intense passion and desire.

“Use this energy to do something meaningful for yourself and for others. 

“It is also a great time for energetic practices or all kinds of purification.”

Marina added another significant aspect of today is the Moon being in Capricorn.

She said: “Capricorns are a very tough sign to discipline and order and structure. 

“So maybe this is a time to put some order around you and plan the week or even the month ahead, to be more structured and organised.

“Although it is Sunday and a day of rest, it looks very positive for our productivity and results .”

Elsewhere, Aries are being told to stay true to themselves and ride out any emotional storms they are experience, according to astrology.com. 

Taurus’ will also see how the energy they put out will come back to them today. 

Leos are being told that trying to outsmart other people will lead to misunderstandings that could hurt people more than help them. 

Scorpios need to remember that living in the moment is one of the keys to happiness, as it will give them appreciation for where they are in life and prevent them from taking anything for granted. 

Aquarius people will have “extra high” emotional sensors today, which could lead to a big turning point in their professional or educational life. 

Meanwhile, Pisces’ are being warned that the universe will not tolerate excessive, over the top behaviour today, so try to be more demure and bite your tongue during controversial conversations. 

source: express.co.uk