AI binges on CSI crime shows and learns to guess whodunnit


Cracking the case takes intelligence

CBS Photo Archive/Getty

THE set-up in an episode of the TV show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is nearly always the same. There is a body, some forensic evidence and one question: who did it? But the formula is gripping because the answer is rarely obvious. Cracking the case before the big reveal not only requires an ability to pay attention to the clues, but also to navigate plot twists and red herrings.

It is even harder for a computer to solve. But by binge watching CSI episodes, one artificial intelligence is learning how to be a sleuth.

Developed by Lea Frermann and her colleagues at the University of Edinburgh, UK, the AI watched 39 episodes of CSI: Las Vegas, involving 59 cases in all. Throughout each show, the AI had to say whenever it thought the perpetrator was on screen. The team tweaked the neural network’s output as it watched and guessed, then tested it on six previously unseen cases (


The AI didn’t beat human couch detectives, but it was 60 per cent accurate in the last 10 minutes of each show. Humans were 85 per cent accurate. Bridging this gap would require the AI to reach another level of sophistication, however. “It doesn’t currently have a notion of people in the plot, it just predicts from each sentence,” says Frermann. “Learning a more structured representation of who is who would really help.”

Still, the hope is that such work will make AIs better at understanding video or text. Existing systems can pass reading-comprehension tests, but only after processing an entire document. The CSI-trained AI constantly updates its answers as it receives more information. “This is more like humans,” says Frermann. “When we look for an answer to a question in a document, we don’t just blindly read the whole thing, we scan it until we find the answer.”

“The AI works more like humans. When we look for an answer in a document, we scan until we find it”

But AIs that can solve real crimes are some way off. “CSI episodes are 42 minutes long and normally only have a maximum of eight suspects,” says Frermann.

This article appeared in print under the headline “AI binges on TV crime shows to spot whodunnit”

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