In just a month’s time, It Chapter Two hits cinemas to conclude Stephen King’s epic horror. Now a new featurette sees unseen footage and interviews with the cast, director and Stephen King himself. Director Andy Muschietti said: “Tonally the movie will feel just like the first one, but we’ll crank up the horror aspects of it.” While Bill Hader added: “Andy’s just gone for broke as far as scope and scares.”
Jay Ryan said: “There’s a handful of moments that will make you not sleep at night, but the rest of it is just this gorgeous journey of life and friendship.”
By the end of the featurette we see a few more shots of Pennywise as the actor who plays him, Bill Skarsgard reveals the monster’s motives.
He said: “Pennywise has a craving for the Losers.
“He wants revenge, but it’s more than that. He’s missed them.”
Meanwhile, there are more shots of Jessica Chastain’s record-breaking bloodbath scene. Said to be the bloodiest in horror movie history, 4,500 gallons of fake blood were used.
Earlier this month, the adult Beverly star revealed she wants to push the limits of the genre.
Speaking with Comic Book, Chastain said: “I was like, ‘No if we’re going to do it, let’s do it.’ I love horror films, I love Carrie, and I said, ‘Let’s make Carrie on steroids.’
On shooting the bloodbath she added: “And that’s what we did and it literally tortured me because I didn’t realise that it would be that way the whole movie.”
It Chapter Two screenwriter Gary Dauberman has already seen the movie and revealed the bloodbath pushes horror to the brink.
Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, he said:: “I think that’s Andy pushing it to the brink; he has a great relationship with Chastain.
“I have [seen IT: Chapter Two], yes! I’m very, very happy and I’m very, very proud.
“I don’t know if you can hear the joy in my voice as I try not to answer this question, but I’m very excited for everyone to see it.”
It: Chapter Two will be released in UK cinemas on September 5, 2019.