Officer on traffic stop barely avoids vehicle spinning out at 120 mph on Virginia highway

A police officer in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. narrowly escaped an out-of-control car that came speeding at him from across the median during a traffic stop — and it was all captured on dash-cam video.

The close call on Fairfax County Parkway before noon Monday was released Tuesday by Fairfax County police, whose chief said no one was killed or seriously injured.

“It’s just miraculous,” Chief Kevin Davis said at a news conference.

An officer had a BMW 7 Series that was going 73 mph a 50 mph zone, Davis said.

An out of control car goes across the median and crashes into a car pulled over by a police officer in Fairfax County, Va.
An out of control car goes across the median and crashes into a car pulled over by a police officer in Fairfax County, Va. Fairfax County PD/WRC

He was speaking to its driver from the passenger side of the sedan when another BMW careened toward him, backside first, at more than 120 mph, officials said.

That BMW, a high-performance M3, hit the larger sedan and then spun into a Fairfax County patrol vehicle, video shows. The officer’s right leg appeared to have been struck or brushed.

“Cool, calm and collected, he hops over that guardrail and immediately gets on the radio,” Davis said.

Three teenagers in the M3 essentially walked away with minor injuries, and the officer and the driver of the other BMW were treated at a hospital for minor injuries and released, police said.

The 17-year-old driver of the M3 was cited for alleged reckless driving, the department said.

The chief said the name of the officer would be released, but he wants to give him time to process the event.

“It’s quite the story for him to eventually tell,” Davis said. “But right now, he’s just glad to be alive.”
