It’s Salad-for-Dinner Season

I can hardly believe it, but here we are in grill season, beach-picnic season, salad-for-dinner season — summer, my favorite time of year to cook. Some people prefer fall for its crispness; winter for its coziness; spring for its promise of something green. Not me. I am here for summer.

Proof that this is one of my favorite subjects: Yesterday, I was a guest on the WNYC show “All of It,” talking summer cooking and having a ball. You can listen here, and these are the fried chicken biscuits with hot honey butter that we discussed at length. (Other recipes that came up: gazpacho, chilled corn soup, egg salad, lemon potato salad with mint, blueberry pie and Caprese antipasto — a.k.a the super Caprese.)

What are you cooking? What do you want to be cooking? Send me intel and requests at [email protected].

I love the contrasting textures in this main-course salad from Yasmin Fahr, which mixes rich pieces of salmon, pebbly pearled couscous and soft herbs with the crunch of cucumbers. The tangy dressing draws inspiration from mast-o khiar, the cucumber-yogurt dish from Persian cuisine, which is unmatched in its exuberant use of herbs.

Alert: We have a new 20-minute pasta recipe from Melissa Clark, with fresh chopped herbs, ricotta (make sure it says “fresh” on the label) and a lot of coarsely ground black pepper. This is a great way to use the herbs you may have bought for the salmon dish above.

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More herbs and feta! This time, Lidey Heuck uses them to dress crisp romaine and skirt steak, a fairly forgiving cut of meat that is especially delicious with the vinegar-laced sauce. The toasted pine nuts are a nice touch, but you can skip them.

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