Hurdle through the hellmouth in this occult retro FPS

I’m just going to say it: magic is only cool when it’s coming out of your hands. Every moment I’m forced to use a wand while pretending to be a great and powerful wizard is an insult. As an unbridled font of arcane power, I don’t want to wave a silly little stick around. I want to point at something and have it unmade, preferably by some kind of energy bolt or unfathomable beam. Thankfully, Into the Pit is a boomer shooter roguelite that understands me. When I’m sprinting at Olympic speeds through its shifting hellscape in a blur of demonic carnage, I’m trusted with only two fistfuls of magic and a firm belief that I can kill whatever dark god is waiting a couple floors down, no wavy twig required. This is what respect looks like.

You’ve followed your cousin’s letters to a village that, in previous generations, has managed to be very chill about the yawning demonic Pit in its midst. Unfortunately, its latest Alderman is less “let’s keep the abyss quietly sealed” and more “I would like a legion of demons actually,” and quickly plunged the township into unholy ruin. To rescue your cousin and prevent an eldritch apocalypse, you’ll have to descend through repeated runs in the randomized domains of the Pit, freeing villagers and strengthening your magic through old-school, fast-paced FPS combat.
