Type 2 diabetes: Diet to ‘reduce or eliminate glucose-lowering medication’ says new study

Numerous studies have found that low-carb, high-protein diets help to boost metabolism, are more filling, and therefore deters most from eating more calories.

A low-carb diet will help stave off high blood sugar levels and could even possibly put a diabetic into remission.

Top tips for following the low-carb rule include:

Reduce or eliminate the amount of sugar and high-carb foods which include breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, white potatoes, rice, crackers, biscuits, sweets, and fizzy drinks.

Try to load up every meal with non-starchy and salad vegetables such as kale, lettuce, broccoli, mushrooms, or peppers.

Eat good fats, including oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, and animal fats. Also include nuts and cheese in moderation.

source: express.co.uk