Sleep apnoea symptoms: Do you wake up feeling pain in a certain area? It may be a sign

Throat muscles relax as you drift off into dreamland, however this can be problematic if it blocks your airway. How would you know if you suffer from sleep apnoea?

The Mayo Clinic explained that blocked airways can lower the level of oxygen in your blood.

In addition, this condition can cause issues as the level of carbon dioxide in your body builds up.

When you arise from a slumber, do you awaken with a sore throat? If so, you may have the condition.

There are other signs of sleep apnoea to be aware of; these include a morning headache and nighttime sweating.

Some people may have disrupted sleep, as they wake up throughout the night gasping.

Interrupted sleep, understandably, can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and difficulty concentrating throughout the day.

Mood changes may be apparent, such as depression or irritability, and one may experience a lower sex drive.

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Firstly, if one is snoring loud enough to disturb your sleep or that of others.

Secondly, if you wake up gasping or choking; thirdly, if you experience intermittent pauses in your breathing during sleep.

And, fourthly, if excessive daytime drowsiness causes you to fall asleep at work, while watching TV or driving.

Am I at risk of sleep apnea?

Certain risk factors include carrying excess weight, narrowed airways, hypertension and smoking.

Looking into these risk factors in depth, fat deposits around the upper airway can obstruct breathing.

People with hypothyroidism and polycystic ovaries – conditions linked to obesity – may also be at increased risk of sleep apnoea.

However, thin people can also develop the disorder, especially if they’ve inherited narrow airways.

Narrowed airways can also result in chronic nasal congestion, which puts you at risk of the condition.

Enlarged tonsils or adenoids can also be responsible for blocking an airway.

People suffering from hypertension, or who smoke, are more likely to have this condition, as well as someone who has diabetes.

Moreover, researchers have found an association between asthma and the risk of the condition.

Considered a serious medical condition, treatment options are available for those severely affected.
