Sam Heughan: Has Jamie Fraser star Sam Heughan read the Outlander books?

The acting duo helped to collaborate on the highly stylised but emotional scenes in which Claire disassociated during her harrowing rape ordeal.

Claire saw visions of her family and Jamie safe at a point in the future, far from the horrors she was subjected to.

Their input in season six is yet to be seen but the pair is likely to want to contribute to the show in their new roles.

Gabaldon is working on book nine of Outlander, which is slated for publication soon.

She has already confirmed she will be rounding off the series at book 10 but whether the Starz series will last this long in another matter.

The main actors are contracted for season seven, but it will be down to US network Starz to recommission the series.

Outlander seasons 1 to 5 are streaming on Amazon Prime Video now
