High blood pressure: The two warning symptoms found on the face warning of hypertension

High blood pressure is a common condition which affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. There are two warning signs of the dangerous condition which include blood spots in the eyes and facial flushing. These conditions should not be ignored as they may signal hypertension.

Blood spots in the eyes

Blood spots in the eyes which is also known as subconjunctival haemorrhage could be a warning sign of high blood pressure, said the American Heart Association.

The site continued: “Blood spots in the eyes are more common in people with diabetes or high blood pressure, but neither condition causes the blood spots.

“Floaters in the eyes are also not related to high blood pressure.

“However, an eye doctor may be able to detect damage to the optic nerve caused by untreated high blood pressure.”

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Facial flushing

Facial flushing occurs when blood vessels in the face dilate, added the American Heart Association.

“It can occur unpredictably or in response to certain triggers such as sun exposure, cold weather, spicy foods, wind, hot drinks and skin-care products.

“Facial flushing can also occur with emotional stress, exposure to heat or hot water, alcohol consumption and exercise – all of which can raise blood pressure temporarily.

“While facial flushing may occur while your blood pressure is higher than usual, high blood pressure is not the cause of facial flushing.”

Feeling pulsations on the neck or rushing blood in the ears or seeing floaters or blood spots in your vision are all possible signs of high blood pressure.

However, as with facial flushing, all of these signs are more likely to be caused by something else.

“It is unlikely what you’re experiencing is symptoms of high blood pressure – you might be worried you have symptoms of high blood pressure,” said Superdrug Online Doctor.

“However, the truth is, that the vast majority of patients with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all.”

Other possible symptoms of hypertension, according to the NHS, include blurred vision, regular nosebleeds and shortness of breath.

Blood pressure can be tested by your GP or using a special medical device you can buy and keep at home.

When testing, the blood pressure should be measured in both arms to get the best reading.

The NHS advised adults over the age of 40 should have their blood pressure checked at least once every five years.

Causes of high blood pressure include a high salt diet, being overweight and a lack of exercise. 

source: express.co.uk