Taurus zodiac & star sign dates: Symbols and meaning for Taurus

Taurus is a star sign that is ruled by Venus which is the planet of beauty and love. This zodiac sign has many different symbols which can have certain meanings for a Taurus. Each zodiac sign also has many different attributes including personality, love matches and career matches.

This is the time of year when the sun’s heat and light begin to intensify, and the days are beginning to lengthen toward the Summer Solstice.

Astrology.com says: “Taurus season is when nature’s abundance and fertility begin to blossom, becoming stable and sustained, lending to the earthy and generous qualities of the Bull’s archetype.

“Taurus is the first of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons.

“Taurus begins in the middle of Spring, when the season is most “fixed” and established, lending to the grounded, immovable, and somewhat rooted tendencies of this sign.”

They are both fellow Earth signs that stay away from drama and know exactly what their partner needs in a relationship, sometimes even before their partner knows.

Astrology.com says: “As two Earth signs, they can both stick to their convictions and be too rigid not to accept another’s point of view, but in most cases, the intellect of Virgo and the tenderness of Taurus can help them find a language they both understand whatever the situation.”

Virgo’s and Taureans share their trait of being reliable and hard-working. Virgo gets the job done without complaining and they both also enjoy the finer things in life.

A Taurus will also find it very hard to forgive someone who breaks their heart and will most likely hold a grudge against someone who lies in the relationship.

Horoscope.com says that anyone who dates a Taurus should be prepared to have patience for their partner, especially when eventually married.

source: express.co.uk