Apex Legends update time and Lost Treasures patch notes for PS4 and Xbox One

Developers Respawn Entertainment is launching a big Apex Legends update today, which includes the Lost Treasures event. This will be available across all platforms and we already know a lot about the new limited-time mode and skins that will be unlockable during the event. We also know when the new Apex Legends update will be going live today, June 23, and what other gameplay changes are included. These can be found in the official Lost Treasures patch notes, which were shared with gamers a full day before the event’s release.


Developers Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that today’s Apex Legends update time has been set for 4pm GMT, on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

For gamers in the United States, the Lost Treasures event will be available to download at around 8am PT.

The early start is good news for fans as the new event will only be available for a limited time, with a scheduled end date set for July 7, 2020.

New Apex Legends patch notes have been shared ahead of the event of release, confirming all the big changes.

Respawn hasn’t shared any details on how big this week’s Apex Legends update will be, but it wouldn’t be surprising to learn it’s a chunky one.

A lot of new content is being planned for the Lost Treasures event, as well as a new mode and map changes.

A lot of work is also being down to the Apex Legends characters, who are all getting rebalanced for the second-half of Season 5.

The good news is that all these major changes are listed in the Apex Legends patch notes, which can be found below:




  • Tactical

    • Upon activation, Stim will remove movement impairing effects.

    • Stim sprinting speed is increased by 10%

  • Ultimate



  • Tactical

    • Will now cancel:

    • Will now prevent:

  • Ultimate





  • Tactical

  • Ultimate

    • Black Market Boutique (ultimate) will now only pick up 1 stack of ammo (rather than 1 stack + the amount that was required to fill whatever partial stack you had in your inventory).

    • Ultimate Accelerants now give 20% ult charge (up from 17.5%).



  • Tactical

    • You can now hold the tactical button, and release to auto-control decoys

    • Decoys will now say lines when shot

  • Passive

  • Skydive






The intent of these changes is to create openings where enemies can breach Wattson positions.  It is still possible for Wattson players to hold a position with a trophy indefinitely, but that should come at the cost of using Ultimate Accelerants.

  • Wattson’s Pylons now last for 90 seconds

  • Wattson can now have up to 3 pylons out at a time

  • Wattson can stack 2 Ultimate accelerants per inventory slot



Increasing Wraith’s tactical cooldown has proven to be ineffective at curbing her exceedingly high win rate and kill rate.  These changes are meant to disincentivize Wraith players from using Phase Walk as a “get out of jail free” card, and move it into more of a repositioning and scouting ability.

  • Phase Walk

    • Phase Walk now takes 1.25 seconds to enable (was 0.4 seconds).  During this time, Wraith will receive a 20% move slow

    • While in Phase Walk, Wraith now gets a 30% move speed boost

    • While in Phase Walk, Wraith can now see other players while in the Void.

    • Phase Walk now lasts 4 seconds (from 3 seconds)

    • Phase walk cooldown is now down to 25 (from 35 seconds)

  • Phase Tunnel



  • A cooldown will be applied to re-grabbing Ziplines without touching the ground

  • The cooldown will increase with each time a player disconnects and re-grabs the zipline

  • The cooldown will reset when the player touches the ground




  • Teammates can now ping a friendly Caustic Trap. 

  • New health bar for when users are in Revenant’s Shadow form.

  • Map rotation times are now even between Kings Canyon and World’s Edge



  • Fixed an issue with some railing not being climbable. 

  • Fixed an issue with being unable to mute squad before the Legend select.

  • Removed more exploitable spots against Prowlers in Bloodhound TT

  • Fixed issues with loot spawning in unreachable places in both Kings Canyon and Worlds Edge.

  • Fixed an issue with players being able to move at walk speed when downed. 

  • Fixed an issue with Prowlers not killing Mirage Decoys in one swipe.

  • Fixed issues with Ninja controller layout and deathboxes.

  • Fixed an issue with the “You got a treasure pack” message appearing after each match. 





  • Fixed an issue with Lifeline able to drop her care package on a Quest Artifact location, preventing users from picking up the artifact.

  • Fixed an issue with Lifeline’s Drone getting stuck in the air after collision with an Octane Jump pad. 



  • Fixed issues with Loba being able to get to out of bounds areas using Burglar’s Best Friend (tactical).

  • Fixed an issue with Loba’s Burglar’s Best Friend (Tactical) being blocked by invisible collision at the entrance of Firing Range.

  • Fixed an issue with Loba’s Black Market Boutique (Ultimate) not showing the correct range.

  • Loba’s Black Market Boutique (Ultimate) now shows correct ammo count for care package weapons. 

  • Fixed an issue with Loba’s tactical not functioning on certain surfaces. You should now be able to recreate the trailer moment! 

  • Loba’s Ult is now refunded if it gets caught between two doors.



  • Fixed an issue with Mirage’s decoy not being able to ping correctly under certain conditions.

  • Fixed an issue with Mirage Decoy’s not being able to crouch walk through certain areas.

  • Fixed an issue with Mirage Decoys playing the fall animation when the player is falling. 

  • Fixed an issue where Mirage can still control his decoy after being silenced by Revenant.


  • Fixed an issue with Octane bounce pads “deleting” other Legends abilities. 

  • Fixed an issue with Octane’s Jump Pads disappearing when other legend’s tactical interacts with it. 

  • Fixed an issue with Octane’s Jump pads falling through the floor on supply ship




source: express.co.uk