Pound to euro exchange rate: Sterling soars but how will Brexit affect GBP this week?

Travel money provider WeSwap has urged Britons to ensure they are getting the best rates for their money as well as using a travel card that doesn’t come with hidden charges such as ATM fees and transaction fees.

With UK debit cards deducting up to around 3 percent in non-sterling transaction fees, in addition to 2 percent overseas ATM fee based on the amount you take out, once totalled up, we’re charged at a conservative estimate a colossal £125,000,000 in ATM fees abroad.

By researching travel cards, holidaymakers can travel safe in the knowledge that purchasing travel insurance will not take them over their budgets.

It’s also worth making the most of leftover money from previous holidays you’ve been on.

According to WeSwap research, £819 million worth of foreign currency sits in kitchen drawers and piggy banks across the nation and only 9 percent of Brits change back their leftover currency.

source: express.co.uk