What are your 2020 gaming resolutions?

Happy New Year! It’s 2020, wow! A whole new year with a whole new fresh, blank calendar stretching out before us, its squares tantalizingly empty and begging for new promises to be scribbled in. It’s the perfect (if a bit predictable) time to make some changes in your life.

Maybe you’ve got a new year’s resolution to eat healthier, or exercise more, or stay organized for more than a month, or finally hunt down and destroy that evil clown who terrorized your town during your childhood, or some other goal for self-improvement and increased happiness. And as we look forward to the games coming out in 2020 it’s not a bad time to make some PC gaming resolutions for the new year, too.

Got any bad gaming habits you want to quit? Any good habits you’d like to adopt? Anything you want to change about the way you game in general? We’ve listed some of our 2020 PC gaming resolutions below, and we’d love to hear any you have in the comments.

(Image credit: Valve)

Robin Valentine: Game less passively

source: gamezpot.com