SNK Reveals The Twenty Games For Neo Geo Arcade Stick

Photo: Brian Ashcraft (Kotaku)

Earlier this month, SNK announced the Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro. It’s packed with twenty built-in games, which weren’t revealed. That is, until now.

SNK has announced the twenty games it’s including for the release. According to IT Media, they are:

The King of Fighters ‘95

The King of Fighters ‘97

The King of Fighters ‘98

The King of Fighters ‘99

The King of Fighters 2000

The King of Fighters 2002

Fatal Fury Special

Fatal Fury 3

Garou: Mark of Wolves

Samurai Shodown II

Samurai Shodown III

Samurai Shodown IV

Samurai Shodown V

The Art of Fighting

World Heroes 2

World Heroes 2 Jet

World Heroes Perfect

Ninja Master’s

The Last Blade 2

Kizuna Encounter

According to the official release, this appears to be the international title list, but SNK acknowledges that specifics might change.

Image: SNK