What Trump's spat with the U.K. ambassador shows he doesn't get about diplomacy

Welcome to the world of diplomacy, Mr. Trump. It is a cruel place in which ambassadors and their staffs in Washington spend their days trying to squeeze secrets and strategies out of officials. They then cable them back to their capitals with frank, often not-so-glowing assessments.

It should come as no surprise that even ambassadors of our close friends sometimes say unkind things about us, as the recently leaked cables from British ambassador Kim Darroch made painfully clear. When the U.K. envoy relayed to his colleagues back home his unvarnished judgment that you are “inept,” “insecure” and “incompetent,” he was just doing his job.

I know you’re not a big fan of candid appraisals, but can I speak frankly here? This is Diplomacy 101.

I know you’re not a big fan of candid appraisals, but can I speak frankly here? This is Diplomacy 101. You, Mr. President, your team, and all those who go to fancy embassy cocktail parties in D.C. should know well how the game is played.

We diplomats don’t operate the way our friends at Langley do. We don’t bribe, steal or threaten. Our work is much more subtle. Every ambassador wines, dines and forges bonds with high-level officials looking for a morsel of gossip that is not yet in the news. Once obtained, they send it back to their ministry wrapped in trenchant analysis and gain brownie points for their terrific tradecraft. That’s the work of diplomacy. It’s pretty much been that way since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

source: nbcnews.com