WATCH: What will win the Oscar for best picture?

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Transcript for What will win the Oscar for best picture?

How was that. Salty. Give a considered becoming the from credit. Oh. Less secure. And again. The vice presidency is mostly. Symbolic. Correct correct. Yeah. Moos has that happened. Let’s update. I’m knows this broad. On isn’t happy we are black and we’ll.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“id”:61225681,”title”:”What will win the Oscar for best picture?”,”duration”:”1:00″,”description”:”The nominees are “Black Panther,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “The Favourite,” “BlacKkKlansman,” “Green Book,” “Vice,” “A Star Is Born,” and “Roma.””,”url”:”/GMA/Culture/video/win-oscar-best-picture-61225681″,”section”:”GMA”,”mediaType”:”default”}
