5 Ways To Maximize Social Security Benefits

Social Security is the key source of income for most retirees, and that will continue to be the case for a long time. Many non-retirees downplay the importance of Social Security because of its precarious financial condition and other factors. But surveys of retirees show that the program’s benefits are an important part of retirement income for most of them, and the importance grows through retirement.

That’s why it’s important to maximize Social Security benefits. You can take actions that will affect the amount of your monthly benefits. Unfortunately, many people inadvertently take actions that reduce their benefits. Remember Social Security retirement benefits are guaranteed for life and increase with inflation. Over the course of retirement, many people lose tens of thousands of dollars or more in lifetime benefits by overlooking some key actions.

Here are five ways you can boost the value of your Social Security benefits.

Work longer. You might not want to keep working. You might be counting the days until you can leave your job. Before setting your departure date from the workforce, however, calculate how it would affect your Social Security benefits.

Your benefits are calculated using only your highest 35 years of earnings. For most people, their earnings are higher near retirement age than they were early in their lifetimes. Other people had a few low earning years because of lay offs, illness, or other factors.

Working another few years might knock some of those very low earning years out of your top 35. That would increase your retirement benefits. It might increase them substantially if you’re exchanging another peak or near-peak earnings year for one with a very modest income.

Before deciding when to retire, take a look at your official earnings history. Make sure it is accurate. Then, look at which years would be knocked out of your top 35 if you delayed retirement a few years.

Delay benefits. You know this one. Every year you delay taking retirement benefits through age 70 increases the benefit by 8%. That’s equivalent to an 8% tax-free investment return. Yet, very few people delay their benefits until age 70. Many don’t wait until even full retirement age.

Some people need the cash flow once they leave their jobs. Other don’t believe they’ll live long enough to justify delaying benefits. Many others, however, don’t carefully consider the arithmetic. They’re unlikely to earn an 8% after-tax return or better from their investments. So, if they retire before age 70 and need income, it would be better over the long term to draw more from their nest eggs during the first years of retirement so they can maximize Social Security benefits.

Coordinate beginning dates with your spouse. In most married couples, the spouses often decide independently when to begin retirement benefits. But the couple’s joint lifetime benefits can increase substantially when the two benefits are considered as a package.

This can involve some complicated calculations. You’ll want to use one or more of the Social Security benefits estimate applications that are available, including the one on Social Security’s web site. The bottom line is that when there was a meaningful income difference between spouses over their careers or there is a big age difference, it can make a lot of sense for one spouse to begin retirement benefits early while the other waits until full retirement age or later.

Maximize survivor’s income. When you’re married, it’s important to consider what will happen after one of you passes away. That’s when financial hardships are most likely to occur, as I’ve discussed.

While each spouse is alive, the couple usually receives two Social Security retirement benefits. The lower-earning spouse will receive the higher of his or her earned benefit and one-half of the other spouse’s full retirement age benefit.

After one spouse passes away, however, one benefit stops. The surviving spouse receives the higher of his or her earned benefit or what the other spouse was receiving. That’s why in a married couple it can be important for the higher-earning spouse to delay receiving benefits as long as possible. Maximizing your lifetime benefits also means you’re maximizing the income the surviving spouse will receive. Delaying retirement benefits is a fairly inexpensive form of life insurance.

Minimize income taxes on benefits. Social Security retirement benefits used to be income-tax free. They still are in most states, but the federal government began taxing them in the 1980s and increased the taxes on higher-income beneficiaries in the 1990s.

Up to 50% of benefits are included in gross income when income for a married couple if between $32,000 and $44,000 and for other taxpayers when income is between $25,000 and $34,000. Up to 85% of benefits are included in gross income for married couples when income exceeds $44,000 and for other taxpayers when income exceeds $34,000.

A special computation of income is used to determine the amount of benefits taxed. Essentially you take adjusted gross income from the tax return and add back some tax benefits, including tax-exempt interest income.

After-tax benefits are what count, so you should try to minimize taxes on your benefits by minimizing the modified adjusted gross income. Key actions to consider are minimizing distributions from traditional IRAs, converting traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs, and carefully timing sales of assets with capital gains.

source: forbes.com