SEO 3.0 The Future of Search Results

Where is the Future in Search going? With all the Social media. Web History, Personalized search results,Image search,Mash ups. Is it all too much? The answer is yes and no

Yes all these things are overwhelming but in this fast world and with the latest algorythms, we have to keep up with all these changes and updates. Now a days we use the web more and more and search more, Some of the ways the search engines help us is by simplyfying the way we do search and the way they give us the results,

As a searchers we have one thing in mind that is we want relevant results and thats the same way the Search engines think too. Due to some people who are trying to trick the search engines, the search engines change the way they show results, It is all better thou to give us as searchers good relevant results. What does that mean to us as a searcher?

Well that means that we will be getting more relevant results from search engines. But from a SEO point of view this might change, as SEO want to get their websites on top and now they have to work more and harder to get their site on top. But it is a good thing because not everyone can get into search results easily.

The future of search will be more personalized and relevant with more options where a searcher will have more control of the search and the results they get.