Back pain: Five ways to treat pain in back and lower back pain

Back pain is very common and normally improves within a few weeks or months.

Pain in the lower back, otherwise known as lumbago, is particularly common.

In most cases, pain in the back isn’t caused by anything serious and will get better over time, but it can be stressful to live with.

These five methods can help treat a painful back and speed up the recovery process.

Keep moving

“One of the most important things you can do is to keep moving and continue with your normal activities as much as possible,” said the NHS.

While it may seem bed rest will help recovery from a bad back, people who remain active are actually more likely to recover quickly.

Back exercises

Simple back exercises and stretches at home can help strengthen back muscles and relieve pain, as can activities like swimming, yoga and pilates.

The NHS provides information and examples of exercises for back pain on its website, while physiotherapists will also have good advice.


Anti-inflammatory tablets like ibuprofen can help relieve back pain, although the NHS warns they aren’t suitable for everyone, so check the leaflet or speak to a pharmacist first.

Alternative, stronger, medicines like codeine may be suitable for those who can’t take anti-inflammatories, but due to their strength should only be used for a few days at a time.

Hot or cold packs

For some people, heat – such as a hot bath or hot water bottle placed on the affected area – can help ease back pain.

For others, cold – such as ice packs or a bag of frozen vegetables placed on the affected area – can help relieve pain.

The NHS warns against putting ice directly on to the skin, as it could cause a cold burn. Wrap ice packs in a cloth instead.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is were a therapist uses their hands to massage and apply careful forces to the muscles, bones and joints in and around the spine.

It can help reduce back pain, but should only be used alongside other measures, such as exercise, according to the NHS.

Manual therapy is usually carried out by chiropractors, osteopaths or physiotherapists.