WATCH: How much should parents pressure picky eaters?

Transcript for How much should parents pressure picky eaters?

eaters. About’s chief medical correspondent Ashton will be live in just moment. Rst why pressuring kids T eat won’ke a difference. Reporteicky ea, if don’t know O persly, you’ve seen O in th movies. En. Likeiley from “Inside T.” Hold on guys. Broccoli! Reporter: Don’t pressure picky eater. It doesn’t work. New RESE shows for kids to eat they don’t like won’hange if they have picky habitslater. It will make it ten at mealtime.perts say pickyg I common in toddlersnd youan GOP to age S. Babies grow so much during T year often tripling their weight. It’s Normal for their appetite to slow down. Mom of four, bry Herman, knows that all toowell. I’m not have Just Lile. No. Y? Repor hittlene avi she pickiest. Ll look at plate of food. Something he doe’t it. Reportes how she handles it. He eats it, H eatsit. If not, no World War III. We’re joinedy Dr. Jen hton. I have want tsk thence one question ickly. How ny have you tried to feed your kidshing only tond up on the floor or all over the kitcn. Most of us haven there. What’s the don’ts for picky eaters? Everyone has figure this out for themselves. The don’ are, kind take a O global view. First of all pressuring is not going to help. We didn’t nee a study to T us that. It doesonfirm it remember development tasks of toddler. They’rlowed to have their preference this is the me era. I want to make the decision. ‘S about the me a I. Yoshould acknowledge that and honor it. Don’t make time a battle. Realize it’s not WHA they just in what meal. What AUT those kids that never eat? Were you one of thosekids? I have fl like we should mama stn. What do you guysthink? No. As a Mo had one chi who had sushi by the age of 2 anthe other who ate a completely white meal until they were if the growing along T curve Ano signs fall ition, you don’tave T make this World War III. If you wan your kids to E something new, how do you do that? Boli takes a hit. Put aittle broccoli oe pizza and thenore know it, yank the pizza and they’ll be eating K and broccoli. The J is still out. It’s worth a try. You bet. Doc, you so much. We’re goingver toginger.

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