Readers write: Enriching poetry, insight into interpreters, following Mars news, straws and sea life, local impact of controversy

Enriching poetry

Danny Heitman’s review in the July 9 & 16 issue of Ted Kooser’s new book of poetry, “Kindest Regards,” was uplifting to read. I was enriched and I plan to buy the book. Thank you!

Karyn Mandan

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Berkeley, Calif.

Insight into interpreters

How about a piece on the two interpreters who were in the room with President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un when they met in June? Their roles were critical. The recognition of the importance of translator training and second language acquisition in the United States is almost nonexistent.

Ellen Adkinson Reddingius

Arroyo Grande, Calif.

Following Mars news

The July 26 Monitor Daily article “Why a subglacial Martian lake raises hopes for alien life” was very interesting. I would like to see you follow any further exploration of Mars as well as other planets in our solar system. We always trust Monitor news as the best of accurate reporting.

Lawry Yerby

Rancho Murieta, Calif.

Straws and sea life

After reading the June 25 article “Ditching straws to save sea life,” I will now politely decline a straw when being served a beverage. Thank you!

Paul O’Donnell

Providence, R.I.

Local impact of controversy

I really liked the insights to be found in the June 29 Monitor Daily article “Din and discord – and then? Red Hen city as a parable of our time.” It took it out of the national level and showed the impact on a local economy, local businesses, and local relationships. Excellent job.

Debbie Corpus

Dayton, Ohio

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