Cosplay on steroids! The impressive costumes of the Comic-Con Masquerade competition – CNET

Let the contest begin

The contestants must do a performance to go along with the costume on stage for the three judges and the audience. The categories to win are: Best in Show, Judges’ Choice, Best Re-creation, Best Original Design, Most Beautiful, Best Presentation, Most Humorous, Best Workmanship, and Best Young Fan.

I was in the photographer’s section for the first time so I did not get to see the performances but I can show you the hero poses and war faces contestants made for the camera. 

We didn’t get any introductions so for the largest groups I will be mentioning the names that we received in the list for the photographers.

Let’s check them out in the order they performed, starting with Killer Frost from The Flash. The outfit was created and designed by Amber Bates.