Avengers Infinity War plot details teased for Thanos, Spider-Man, Thor, Hulk MORE


With just over 50 days to go until Avengers Infinity War is released, much of the plot is still very much under-wraps.

But now have posted six characters biographies that seem to tease details for the upcoming extravaganza.

Fans can check out the descriptions below but what exactly could they reveal about Avengers Infinity War?

Thanos’ one appears to explain his motivation for gathering the six Infinity Stones: “[Being] consumed with saving the universe from itself.”

Next up Thor is “still striving to earn his worthiness”, presumably because his hammer Mjolnir was crushed by Hela in Thor Ragnarok.

have shown Thor on a mission to forge a new weapon with the help of Guardians Rocket and Groot.

The half-axe, half-hammer will no doubt enable him to confront Thanos, as the bio adds.

Hulk’s bio describes how Bruce Banner is “struggling with the volatility of his alter ego” and how he “needs to make peace with who he truly is.”

, so it seems like Bruce is struggling to control himself.

Then there’s Captain America, who has been on the run since Civil War and has been busy “saving the world one clandestine mission at a time” alluding to the fact

Black Widow’s confirms she’s been on the run with him too and that she needs “her killer instinct…to be at the top of its game” with Thanos attacking Earth.

Last, and certainly not least, is Iron Spider. Yes, you read that right, Spider-Man has a new title thanks to a suit upgrade from Tony Stark – last seen at the end of Spider-Man Homecoming.

His description also confirms he has a Spider Sense, something that was absent in his solo outing, but has now been confirmed he has.

Avengers Infinity War is released in UK cinemas on April 27, 2018.