Dog’s AGONY as TONGUE gets frozen to manhole cover in bone-chilling -15C weather

The frightened dog had become distressed after its tongue got stuck on the drain cover in Vladivostok, Russia.

Footage of the deeply distressed white canine, shows its desperately trying to free its tongue from the manhole amid freezing temperatures of -15C.

But the passer-by who found the dog immediately sprang into action freeing its tongue by pouring a small bottle of warm water on it.

However, the dog still was not free after he drained the bottle, so he shouts to other people to help.

It appears that others must have stepped in to help as the video soon shows the dog wriggling free after his harrowing ordeal.

The dog’s kind-hearted rescuer is then seen on film stooping down to comfort the dog and stroke her. Her tongue appears to be intact. 

Temperatures in Russia, in the remote Yakutia region, can plummet to below -88C and even colder at this time of year, causing havoc to everyone – including small children and pets.

Local police told parents to keep children at home due to the dangerously cold temperatures.

This month, two men froze to death as they tried to walk to a nearby farm after their car broke down, according to Russian media. Three other men who were with them survived because they had on warm clothes.