Weight loss: Adding this one food to your diet plan in 2018 will help you shed the pounds

Weight loss can be aided by adding certain types of healthy foods to your diet plan, scientists claim.

Various studies have revealed that fibre is one nutrient that is essential in helping dieters to lose the pounds.

If you are watching your waistline, adding in foods with this special ingredient is a sure fire way to get the excess weight moving.

Eating more fibre has been directly linked to weight loss in numerous studies.

Mice who were fed low fibre diets experienced weight gain, high blood sugar and insulin resistance. They also developed unhealthy gut bacteria.

Mice eating lots of fibre experienced none of these unpleasant side effects.

Some fibre is especially good for those looking to lose fat. 

The harder a fibre is for the body to breakdown, the more effective it is at filling dieters up and reducing the number of calories they eat.

This fibre sits in the gut more than other kinds, meaning food moves less quickly through the body.

This means that those eating more fibre feel fuller for much longer.

Foods that are high in fibre

– Lentils

– Black beans

– Broccoli

– Whole grain rice

– Whole grain cereal

– Peas

– Brussel sprouts 

Dropping unhealthy foods from your diet at the same time you add healthy ones in further increases the chance of losing weight.

Weight loss is difficult, but steering clear of sugary drinks is one sure fire way to avoid putting on extra pounds, scientists believe. 

Thirty studies from previous years have all shown that drinking sugary drinks is linked to being overweight and obese.

Drinks that are sweetened with extra sugar have been linked to obesity in adults and children.