Sad ‘pigs’ have been filmed apparently mourning a dead friend


Social bonds in peccaries appear to survive beyond death

Dante de Kort/Mariana Altrichter/Sara Cortez & Micaela Camino

PIG-LIKE animals called peccaries have been seen apparently mourning their dead. The discovery adds to the growing list of species that have exhibited signs of grief. It came from a science fair project.

Peccaries are hoofed mammals found in the Americas. Also known as javelinas or skunk pigs, they resemble pigs and wild boar. However, the two actually belong to different, albeit closely related, families. Peccaries are social animals and often live in groups.

In January, 8-year-old Dante de Kort was watching a herd of five collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) behind his house in Arizona. One of them seemed to be ill. The next day, he found a dead adult female and the rest of the herd nearby.

“It is heartbreaking to see two peccaries trying to pick up the dead one, as