Sleeping in separate beds? Chronic Sleep Deprivation driving HALF the nation apart

Last week we were told a healthy amount of sleep every night ‘is better for you than money’. 

Insomnia can drive people to dark places, ironically where they can’t get to sleep. But did you know terrible sleeping habits have driven almost half of Britons to sleep in separate beds? 

And as many as one in 10 have split, or considered a split, from a partner due to their irritating sleeping habits

Men twice as likely as women to split with a partner with this reasoning.

Currently, a whopping 45 per cent of Brits fail to reach the recommended seven hours sleep per night, which is classed as Chronic Sleep Deprivation.

Thousands of Brits have confessed to having considered dumping their girlfriend or boyfriend because of an annoying nighttime activity. 

Surprise, surprise: snoring is the number one most irritating offence likely to see you split from your partner. 

A study of 2000 participants by revealed snoring as the most dumpable offence, followed by heavy breathing, huffing and puffing, tossing andturning, and starfishing.

This is how to stop your partner snoring – don’t risk your relationship before you try it. 

Passing wind in bed was cited by 13 per cent as a dump-worthy offence, with women twice as likely as men to split over it.


1. Snoring (64%)

2. Heavy Breathing (31%)

3. Tossing and Turning (21%)

4. Huffing and Puffing (21%)

5. Starfishing (17%)

6. Farting (13%)

7. Twitching (13%)

8. Coughing (12%)

A study by Oxford Economics and the National Centre for Social Research for Sainsbury’s was released last week. 

Sleep quality found to be the strongest indicator of living well. 

MADE.COM’s new Sleep Shop includes a range of affordable luxury down pillows and duvets. 

Investing in quality will help with the perfect night’s sleep, no matter who is in bed with you, and to help maximise those power naps.