Today's Wordle hint and answer #686: Saturday, May 6

Make every game of Wordle (opens in new tab) a winner with our wide selection of helpful hints and tips. Improve your daily game with our guides and archive of past answers, scroll down the page for a clue written especially for the May 6 (686) game, or secure your win with the answer to today’s Wordle.

This was a stressful one. I’m normally very happy to see four yellows early on, but not when they somehow stay as four yellows the guess after that, especially when I have to start shuffling everything around and around until I’m almost dizzy. I did manage to save my win streak with the very last guess, but I wasn’t certain that I’d get today’s Wordle answer at all. 

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

A Wordle hint for Saturday, May 6
