Today's Wordle answer guide #366: Monday, June 20

It’s a new week, so start strong with the June 20 (366) Wordle answer. I opened with two spectacularly bad guesses today—I could’ve wept for my win streak. It was well worth persevering though, as by some miracle the third stab in the dark was so good I almost felt guilty about the line of greens that suddenly popped up. Hopefully tomorrow’s Wordle will be a smoother ride.

When you’ve finished today’s challenge, perhaps you’d like to take a look at our Wordle archive (opens in new tab)? No matter why you’re here today, I’m sure I can lend a hand. I can offer you a clue, the full answer, and if you’re not sure how to play Wordle I can teach you the rules. 

Wordle June 20: A helpful hint
