Fridge vs cupboard: Relative of Mr Cadbury settles age-old chocolate debate

“When chocolate is kept in the fridge it melts much slower on the palate, not giving our carefully-developed flavour particles a chance to escape as aroma and having the knock-on effect that the chocolate can be perceived as bland and flavourless.

“As a result, if you’re looking for a complex flavour profile, and to really make the most of fine chocolate, it is by far superior to keep it at room temperature, ensuring the aroma is able to play a key part in the tasting!”

But if you’re a die-hard believer that chocolate should be kept in the fridge, there is only one type of chocolate that should definitely be kept away from those cold temperatures.

James continued: “Regarding different types of chocolate, dark chocolate has higher cacao percentages, which means it has a higher melting temperature.
