Australia news live update: Victoria’s hospitals move to ‘code brown’ over Covid demand; George Christensen rebuked

There is no secret there that there is pressure on our hospital system. It is what we planned for, our surge capacity and so forth, that we did towards the end of last year, and much earlier than that.

The private hospital guarantee has been in place exactly for this sort of event since 2020. So that provides another 57,000 nurses, many bed places to support our aged care facilities as well as public hospitals, so that’s something that the commonwealth has put in place.

In terms of the code brown in Victoria. Code brown – it sounds scary, but actually something that is in place for all hospitals. All hospitals around the world have something similar, but here in Australia a code brown just means there is an external threat that may lead to a surge in hospital admissions, and we know what that external threat is. It’s something that we have been talking about for a long time.
