Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris rewards this week – Flawless loot

The latest Destiny Trials of Osiris has begun, and Guardians are now battling for the best loot.

Pitting fireteams against each other, the main aim is to score as many victories as needed to unlock the Flawless Adept weapon on offer.

No special rules are in place for this week’s activities, meaning there will be no matchmaking or scoring tweaks to factor.

With the Trials now progressing throughout the weekend, Guardians will be battling it out on The Burnout map, with the top prize being the Eye of Sol Adept Sniper Rifle.

The official Osiris rewards were revealed after 5pm GMT, and it was up to Guardians to do the hard work as Bungie rarely ever provides clues beforehand.

Trials now boast a seven-win challenge, which will be available from Saint-14, and provides the Adept Flawless loot. Reputation gain per match has been scaled by the number of round wins on a ticket, and Trials passages are now account scoped.

Bungie has confirmed they have reduced the round time to 90 seconds, with each round starting with fresh special ammo.

Cross-Play must be enabled to participate, which also requires the purchase of the current yearly expansion.

The full list of Trials rewards can be found below and include the following unlockable weapons and armour:

  • Reputation Rank 4: Upgrade Module (2)
  • Reputation Rank 7: Enhancement Prism (3)
  • Reputation Rank 10: Trials Weapon with each rank reset
  • Reputation Rank 13: Upgrade Module (2)
  • Reputation Rank 16: Trials Weapon with each rank reset
  • Trials Flawless Reward: Eye of Sol Adept Sniper Rifle

More big news and updates are being planned for Destiny 2 during 2022, with the Witch Queen expansion set to arrive in February.

Here are some of the new activities that will be added to the game alongside Trials of Osiris when the Witch Queen arrives:

Conflict Eternal: A new six-player matchmade activity at the heart of the ongoing struggle for the Throne World. The balance must be maintained.

Witch Queen Raid: Among the swamps of Savathûn’s Throne World lies a sunken Pyramid. Alongside your fireteam, venture inward and confront the ancient danger imprisoned within.
