Why Police Believe They're Not to Blame for Deaths in Custody

In your opinion, why does, if you could perhaps explain it

in layman’s terms, why and how does Mr. Perez

die, according to you?

Sure. In layman’s terms, he was very agitated due

to his methamphetamine use.

He was hypermetabolic, meaning

he was very — his heart rate was up, his temperature was up.

He was agitated and resisting and struggling.

And on top of that, he had an abnormal heart,

which was enlarged and also had

significant atherosclerotic disease of two vessels

that were up to 80% blocked.

And by his agitation, which creates an acidosis, his

diseased heart and the methamphetamine

with the irritation that also can cause the heart —

all those things contributed to causing

a sudden cardiac event.

Do you believe or is it your opinion

to any degree of scientific certainty

that Mr. Perez would have died of his abnormal heart


but regardless of the encounter

with law enforcement?

With his temperature of 105 and his degree

of agitation and his behavior, I

believe he would have died at some point, yes.

source: nytimes.com