Hell Let Loose review


What is it? A large scale military FPS.
Expect to pay $40
Developer Black Matter
Publisher Team 17
Release Out now
Reviewed on RTX 2060, Ryzen 5 2600 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM
Multiplayer? Competitive up to 100 players
Link www.hellletloose.com

Hell Let Loose is the sort of game that convinces me we’re in the golden age of the multiplayer FPS. No matter what kind of first-person shooting you’re into, there’s probably a good game out there designed to scratch your specific itch. For military sim fans, Hell Let Loose is one of those games. Like Squad before it, it answers the question: “What if there was a truly hardcore Battlefield?”

The main game mode is basically one huge match of Rush with one team pushing and the other defending, but you can’t just respawn on a squadmate every time you die. You can only respawn on Outposts placed by a squad leader or at larger Garrisons that have to be built from scratch. Let the enemy overrun your Garrison and you’re forced to run over a kilometer back to the fight. Yes, it’s that kind of game.

source: gamezpot.com