Cutting down on calories can boost longevity – but how much should you cut back? Study

“A calorie-restricted diet provides all the nutrients necessary for a healthy life but minimises the energy (calories) supplied in the diet”, said one of the study’s authors.

The study’s main discoveries found that a calorie-restricted diet increases the lifespan of mice and delays the onset of age-related chronic diseases such as cancers, heart disease, and stroke in rodents.

There are also hints that people who eat a calorie-restricted diet might live longer than those who overeat. In addition, calorie-restricted diets beneficially affect several factors of ageing, including decreased insulin sensitivity, which can cause diabetes.

However, a major factor in the age-related decline of bodily functions is the accumulation of “oxidative damage” – an imbalance of antioxidants – in the body’s proteins, fats, and DNA which could rapidly increase ageing.

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