Putin erupts in angry outburst moments after Biden talks 'Most cyber attacks are from US'

The Russian president said on Wednesday he agreed with US counterpart Joe Biden to start consultations on cybersecurity, asserting that cyberattacks on Russia were coming from the United States. Mr Putin, after meeting Biden for their first bilateral summit in Geneva, said there was no hostility at the meeting and that both sides showed the desire to understand each other. He told reporters Russia is not among countries named as the key source for cyber attacks.

He said: “Most cyber attacks are from US territory.”

When asked about Russia putting political opponents in prison, he highlighted the disorder at Capitol Hill and Black Lives Matter protests and what he described as “daily gun violence”.

He said: “We’ve seen problems, looting, violations and riots. We sympathise with the Americans but we don’t want the same thing to happen on Russian soil.

“People went into US government with political demands. 400 people are facing political charges. They are facing prison terms of maybe 25 years. They are home-grown terrorists.”

More to follow…

source: express.co.uk