Days Gone actor says fans should buy the game on PC if they want Days Gone 2

-Foxtrot2h ago

Yeah but the thing is Dying Light did pretty well first time round and they set out with that stuff in mind, same goes for Far Cry

This game, while good to me, had SOME issues and I think they should focus on getting those issues solved and working on the criticism before focusing on silly shit which could backfire on them.

You have fans which loved the single player focused approach, why start doing online stuff, not nailing down the single player stuff and bring in the possibly of half arsing both things.

I just don’t see why they would risk it, there’s a time and a place, this isn’t one of them.

Now if they did an expansion later down the road which introduced something like a horde mode up to 4 players and you have like 3-6 maps where you have time to grab supplies, change the map to channel the horde into an area you want and laying traps, then sure by all means go for it.
