ebay Sellers Scraper – Scraping – Mobile Phones / Accesories + Automotive/Motors

eBay sellers Scraper v1.0 is a software to extract contact information from ebay sellers. It’s designed to navigate through categories/subcategories and sub-subcategories, extracting seller information product-wise. As long as it’s detailed in the Impressum, address, phone, e-mail amongst other fields will be retrieved. Trial package is limited to scrape 10 results per sub-subcategory only.

This software will allow you to retrieve contact information from sellers in all industries and sectors, from clothing to electronics, to just anything. It will help you get in touch with sellers and startups worldwide in order to offer them your products and services, being financial, legal, logistics and transportation, packaging, import and export services or becoming a supplier or retailer. It’s infinite. It can be useful as well to get joint ventures, sponsorships, or even alliances, increasing the visibility of your company or product.

Get back to us to request a trial download link.

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