Crapshoot: The games of variable quality based on Star Trek: The Next Generation


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett wrote Crapshoot, a column about rolling the dice to bring random obscure games back into the light. Following his look at Star Trek: Judgment Rites, we warp ahead in time to visit The Next Generation for A Final Unity, Generations, and the Q who put the Q in Q.

It’s difficult to tell where The Next Generation begins and ends, in terms of PC games. Last week we looked at Judgment Rites, based on the original series, which came out in 1993. The Next Generation, however, had been running since 1987, and ended in 1994. The idiocy that was Star Trek: Voyager then kicked off in 1995. In short, there wasn’t much time for Star Trek games to embrace The Next Generation specifically, and most of the games that came out bridged a couple of different eras.

Luckily, I give precisely zero-eighths of a damn about this, and even less about precisely where in-game stardates place individual games or if they mention the likes of the Vidiians. If they’re set post-TOS in the Alpha/Beta quadrants and don’t involve Deep Space Nine or the Ship of Fools, they count. Rules set, let’s dig into the games of The Next Generation—the good, the bad, and the make it so-so.

Suffice it to say, there aren’t many in the ‘good’ category—though there are are a few solid ones. The very first ‘proper’ Next Generation game, lumbered with the awesomely terrible name “The Transinium Challenge” actually preceded Judgment Rites, and… was not one of the good ones.
