Hearthstone's veterans are weirdly excited about getting smacked by Leeroy all over again

Hearthstone Classic decks

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Back in the particularly dense mists of time, Leeroy Jenkins somehow cost 4 Mana. On turn eight, Warlock players would build a Molten Giant wall, and make you pay for it. Mage mains could enjoy two turns of immunity thanks to Ice Block, before unleashing a rage quit-inducing wombo combo of spells. Oh, and the average Rogue pop off concluded with half the deck drawn and a 20-attack Edwin VanCleef hiding in a cloud of smoke. 

The time of which we speak is, of course, vintage Hearthstone. The arrival of the Classic mode later this year will transport us to the dawn of the game, long before a series of balance changes and expansions sanded the power off the Basic and Classic sets. For almost a year, between the game’s beta in 2013 and official release in 2014, Blizzard’s ludicrously popular CCG consisted of exactly 240 cards. Before we got used to regular expansions, Hearthstone was essentially a closed loop. For those of us who still play, this was the era we first fell in love. It was a million Handlock vs. Control Warrior games, playing out for eternity, which is exactly what that match-up often felt like.

The clock will be wound back to March 11, 2014, enabling us to Shadowstep Leeroy like it’s the middle of the Obama era.

source: gamezpot.com