This new tower defense game is basically cryptocurrency Plants vs Zombies

I get a lot of emails about blockchains and cryptocurrencies, nearly all of which are entirely irrelevant to our coverage of PC gaming. I expected more of the same when the announcement for Crypto: Against All Odds popped up in my inbox. But I changed my mind quickly when I reached what is the undeniably intriguing central concept: Cryptocurrency Plants vs. Zombies.

Crypto: Against All Odds sets players up as a blockchain security expert during the early days of Bitcoin, battling bugs, hackers, and other cybersecurity threats through PvZ-inspired gameplay. Instead of zombies on your lawn, it’s blackhats on your network; instead of Sunflowers, Peashooters, and Wall-nuts, you’ll stand against your enemies armed with six cryptos and four “fiat powers”—monetary policy modifiers that grant new or upgraded powers to your crypto units. OK, so it’s a little less catchy than plants.
