How to get rid of belly fat: Foods to add to your diet to trim the waist

When attempting to lose weight, it is a good idea to keep track on what you are eating in order to see if your diet is helping you to reach your goal weight. If it isn’t, something needs to change. That doesn’t mean eating less, but simply adding other foods to your daily meals.

This vegetable is also multi-purposeful and can be put easily in soups, salads, stews, and more.

Fish is another food that is high in both protein and fibre.

Tuna is a lean fish and low in fat, making eating it a great way to increase protein intake while keeping the total number of calories low.

Salmon, although containing fat, is also a good option as it is filled with omega-3 fatty acids.

These have been shown to reduce inflammation, which plays a major role in obesity and metabolic disease, according to Healthline.

Adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet is another way to get rid of belly fat and lose weight.

It is important to try and reach the recommended Government guidelines of eating five portions of fruit and veg a day.

Boiled potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and other root vegetables are high in fibre and therefore perfect for weight loss.

Although fruit contain natural sugar, they have other properties that make them good for weight loss, such as being low in energy density and high in fibre.

Berries are a delicious choice for people trying to lose weight, but one fruit is even better: grapefruit.

Eating half a grapefruit about half an hour before one of your daily meals may help you feel fuller and therefore eat fewer overall calories, according to Healthline.

It is also essential to remember to drink plenty of water while on a diet, as people sometimes confuse hunger with thirst.

Additionally, the NHS recommends cutting alcohol from your diet, planning your meals to make sure you stick to your daily calorie allowance, and never skipping breakfast.
