Life after death: Woman believes she was turned away from Heaven by God

A person named Susannah temporarily died after falling and hitting her head. Before she was resuscitated by paramedics, Susannah believes she gained the answer to the age old question: What happens when you die?

Susannah believes she was offered a glimpse of the afterlife, where she was showered in love by a human-like figure.

The being was supposedly made entirely of light, who controlled whether she entered the afterlife or not.

Susannah wrote on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation: “He was very bright and seemed human but was not, he was so bright that he was quite hard to see or recognise.

“He was pleased to see me but did not seem to think I should be there.

“He said that he would go and ask what to do – if I should be there. The words were just ‘felt’ not spoken.

“I waited outside the entrance sort of floating in the love. It was so beautiful and so perfect.

“I had never felt anything even close to this and was just in absolute ‘heaven’ and did not want it to ever end.

“I felt completely loved and that nothing bad could ever happen. This seemed to last for a long time.

READ MORE: Life after death: Afterlife is ‘numb’ and complete ‘nothingness’

The found a huge surge in brain activity in the final 30 seconds of the rodents’ lives.

Jimo Borjigin, PhD, associate professor of molecular and integrative physiology and associate professor of neurology, said: “This study, performed in animals, is the first dealing with what happens to the neurophysiological state of the dying brain.

“We reasoned that if near-death experience stems from brain activity, neural correlates of consciousness should be identifiable in humans or animals even after the cessation of cerebral blood flow.”

Essentially, if the brain is more active, one might have vivid visions, leading them to believe they had seen the afterlife.

Dr Borjigin added: “The prediction that we would find some signs of conscious activity in the brain during cardiac arrest was confirmed with the data.”
