Caramel recipes: How to make caramel brittle and sauce

Caramel is a popular filling for chocolates and cakes, and it can also be used as a sauce for desserts. You’d think that making this sweet treat would be difficult, but it’s much easier than you’d think. explains how to make caramel sauce and caramel brittle.

How to make caramel brittle

This BBC Good Food caramel almond brittle recipe is easy to follow, but sugar syrups are extremely hot so mind your fingers!

If any hot caramel touches your skin, run it under cold water immediately.


  • 100g bag toasted flaked almond
  • 100g golden caster sugar
  • 50g butter , plus extra for greasing
  • ½ tsp salt

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Step one

Lightly butter a lipped baking tray and spread the almonds over it in a thin, even layer.

Put the sugar, butter, salt and four tbsps of water into a smooth-bottomed frying pan and heat gently, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.

Increase the heat and boil for about five minutes, or until it starts to turn light golden brown.

Stir every now and again as some patches will start to caramelise faster than others.

Carefully tip the caramel over the nuts and leave to cool completely.

Step one

Tip the sugar into a heavy-based frying pan, stir in four tbsp water, then place over a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Turn up the heat and bubble for four to five mins until you have caramel.

Take off the heat, then carefully stir in the cream and butter.

Leave the sauce to cool, then tip into a squeezy bottle.

To clean a caramel pan, simmer water in it until all the caramel has dissolved, then wash as normal.
