Get infinite grenades with this absurd Destiny 2 Shadebinder build

Ehroar is a member of Clan Redeem, and has won multiple world’s first raid titles. He specializes in making cracked builds that use mods and Exotics in cool ways.

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(Image credit: Bungie)

For the launch of Beyond Light we’ve partnered with Bungie to create a series of guides and explainer videos. These are being made by some of the best known Destiny 2 content creators and experts. For full disclosure anything published as part of this program will include this panel.

This week saw the introduction of an entirely new element type to Destiny, for the first time in the series’ history. Joining Solar, Arc and Void comes Stasis, and, along with it, a trio of new Subclasses—the first to be added to each class since The Taken King back in Destiny 1. Here I’ll be showing you how to get the most out of the new Warlock subclass, Shadebinder.
