Trump supporter is accused of trying to recruit others in plot to arrest Ohio Governor Mike DeWine


A declaration to alter and remove our current Governor Mike DeWine. Mike DeWine is being removed because he is a Tyrant and he will be punished as such.

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right and the duty of the one people and/or of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

It has become necessary due to Ohio’s current Governor Mike Dewine’s repeated Injuries and usurpation of Ohioans. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has altered our most valuable laws, Ohioans Constitutional rights of the United States of America. Also our inalienable rights among those being Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness….

Immediate removal of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Mike DeWine has used his position; he has become so corrupt that he has oppressed the people. Governor Mike DeWine has become concentrated, grown and has become a Tyrant and will be held accountable immediately. He will receive a Tyrant’s punishment . He has violated Ohioans Constitutional rights of the United States of America and our Declaration of Independence rights. He has violated his Governor Oath when he solemnly swore he shall Faithfully and Honestly discharge the duties of the office of the Governor of Ohio and shall Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Ohio. So help me God!

Our Constitution will not have a Tyrant. We will have no Tyrant. It is a Government of the People for the People by the People. Mike DeWine has become so corrupt that he has oppressed Ohioans. He has proven abuse and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce Ohioans under absolute despotism. The history of the current Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, has a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having a direct objective of establishing absolute Tyranny over the State of Ohio. It is my right and my duty, to alter such Government and provide new guards for Ohioans future as Ohio’s 71st Governor. I, Renea D. Turner, will become the one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected us with another. Renea D. Turner will take the Governor Oath immediately!

Declaration of the causes that impel me to separate and to assume among the powers of the Earth, to separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God which entitle me, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind. It is the duty of the Ohio Governor, Mike Dewine, in his Government Oath; I ,Mike DeWine, do solemnly swear by I shall faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office of Governor of Ohio and shall Support, Protect and Defend The Constitution of the United States of America, but instead he has become destructive of our Constitutional and fundamental forms of our government by unlawfully taking over the power of legislatures. Being a Tyrant and committing Tyrannous Acts against Ohioans.

In the Court of Common Pleas, Madison County Ohio, the State of Ohio Mike DeWine vs MCKESSON Corporation and Cardinal Health, Inc and 3 other Pharmaceutical companies that knowingly caused our opioids addiction EPIDEMIC. That started back in 1999. Proof Mike DeWine knew for over 20 years. Governor Mike DeWine altered Ohioans Laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Tyrant committing Tyrannous Act against Ohioans.

Mike DeWine filed these lawsuits in 2017 while he was still Attorney General. Therefore, this would allow him to receive his attorney portion of the settlement from the Pharmaceutical Companies. He was running for Governor at that time. He knew he needed to cash out before he left the Attorney General’s position. Current Attorney General David Yost wanted to go after the rest of the pharmaceutical companies and Governor Mike DeWine would not allow him to. Therefore continuing his Tyrannous acts against Ohioans Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Tyrant committing Tyrannous acts against Ohioans.

In the year 2017, while Mike DeWine was still Attorney General he filed a lawsuit in Ross County against the pharmaceutical manufacturers. Proving that Mike DeWine knew for 30 years that the manufacturers had already killed over 1,162 000 Ohioans from the 1990s to 2015 and the death toll continues to rise. Mike DeWine has been deeply embedded in politics for over 40 years. He has become concentrated and a Tyrant. He will be held accountable immediately, in accordance with the punishment for being a Tyrant.

House Bill 166; Mike DeWine wrote it but he can not present it to the State House. He had one of his many cronies, Representative Oelslager ,present it to the State House. This 1810 page House Bill 166 gives Mike DeWine unconstitutional, usurpation and Tyrannous Control over Ohioans .

**** This House Bill 166 was presented to our State House in March of 2019. A year before COVID ****

The COVID Pandemic started February 2020.

***Presidential Primary Election***

Mike DeWine took our right away to Vote on election day March 17th. Attached is a pictures of Mike DeWine with his daughter Alice DeWine (who was on the ballot running for Greene County Prosecutor) and with Granddaughter Jeanie standing in line to vote on March 13th. Obviously his granddaughter is not old enough to vote. Why would Governor DeWine have her out in public if the pandemic was so bad that DeWine shut down voting for the rest of Ohioans. March 17th DeWine shutdown voting for Ohioans there were only 67 people in Ohio that tested positive for COVID. Attached is a picture of the DeWine family voting and a document dated March 14th that states. The Public Health Officials and Medical Professionals were confident that Ohioans would be safe to cast their ballots on election day.

Violated the separation of powers by having the Ohio Department of Health issue orders outside the scope of its authority that are “tantamount to creating new laws”

“Conspired” with Secretary of State Frank LaRose to cancel the March 17 primary election, citing a health emergency, then tried to reschedule it for June 2 without legislative approval (the legislature subsequently passed a law setting an all-mail primary on April 28)

Unconstitutionally ordered the closure of businesses because of coronavirus fears, which “resulted in record-high unemployment, causing not only increased poverty, increased depression, increased despair, and increased suicides, but also the necessity for state budget cuts impacting schools and social programs when they are needed most”

“Failed to anticipate or plan for more than a million newly unemployed Ohioans who suffered the additional indignity of being unable to communicate with an overwhelmed Department of Job and Family Services to file claims,” and “demonstrated grotesque discrimination against the medical health and welfare of the general population by denying nonemergency healthcare”

Ordered the shutdown of schools, “a power that belongs exclusively to the State Board of Education.” After schools reopened, DeWine “ordered that all students wear face coverings, which violates students’ civil liberties”

“Has repeatedly proven his incompetence by providing wildly inaccurate forecasts and repeatedly misleading COVID-19 data; and committed misfeasance and malfeasance with his policy prescriptions, which have proven to be far worse than the virus itself.”

Had his administration issue a “stay-at-home” order for Ohioans, which violated citizens’ due-process rights and civil liberties.

Required Ohioans to wear face masks in houses of worship, in violation of the First Amendment

Issued face-mask rule that “promotes fear, turns neighbors against neighbors, and contracts the economy by making people fearful to leave their homes.” The resolution also states that “for the general population wearing face coverings, people are more likely to infect themselves with COVID-19” (Health officials generally agree that wearing a face covering provides more protection than not wearing a mask)

Temporarily banned liquor sales to non-Ohio residents in six counties near the Pennsylvania border, in violation of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Engaging in pattern of corrupt activity, Ohio Revised Code 2923.32(A)(1), a felony of the 2nd degree;

Complicity, Ohio Revised Code 2923.03(A)(1), a felony of the 2nd degree;

Terrorism, Ohio Revised Code 2909.24(A)(1), a felony of the 2nd degree;

Making terroristic threat, Ohio Revised Code 2909.23(A)(1)(a), a felony of the 3rd degree;

Inducing panic, Ohio Revised Code 2917.31(A)(3), a felony of the 3rd degree;

Conspiracy, Ohio Revised Code 2923.01(A)(1), a felony of the 3rd degree;

Bribery, Ohio Revised Code 3599.01(A)(2); a felony of the 4th degree;

Interfering with civil rights, Ohio Revised Code 2921.45(A), a misdemeanor of the 1st degree;

Coercion, Ohio Revised Code 2905.12(A)(5), a misdemeanor of the 2nd degree; and

Patient abuse or neglect, Ohio Revised Code 2903.34(A)(3), a misdemeanor of the 2nd degree.

Governor R. Michael DeWine has held the Office of Governor of Ohio since January 14, 2019. Governor Michael DeWine under the color of his office has continuously violated the separation of powers doctrine by directing, allowing, colluding, and/or conspiring with the Ohio Department of Health to issue continuous orders outside the scope of its rulemaking authority, which is tantamount to creating new laws, a duty exclusively reserved to the Ohio General Assembly.

On March 16, 2020, Governor DeWine, during a heavily publicized press conference in solicitation, association, collusion, and in conspiracy with Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, without statutory authority unlawfully coerced millions of electors in Ohio to refrain from voting during the March 17, 2020 Presidential Primary Election. Additionally, Governor DeWine solicited Secretary LaRose together with himself to confidently, albeit incorrectly, state that the Presidential Primary Election would be changed from March 17, 2020 to June 2, 2020.

The General Assembly not the Governor is vested with the sole authority to cancel, postpone, or extend a Presidential Primary, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3501.01(E)(2) as mandated by Article I, Section 4 of the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 27 of the Ohio Constitution. During the aforementioned press conference, Governor DeWine stoked fear by recklessly stating the following, “We cannot conduct this election tomorrow.” As a result, Governor DeWine through the color of his office caused serious public inconvenience, alarm, and fear and thus disenfranchised millions of electors of their freedom of choice and constitutional and statutory right to vote in person at their polling location on March 17, 2020. Governor DeWine also coerced electors not to vote in the President Primary Election even after Judge Richard Frye of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas ruled that changing the date of the election was the sole province of the General Assembly.

Further, Governor DeWine under the color of his office and through association and collusion with former Director Amy Acton and Interim Director Lance Himes of the Department of Health ordered through official action the closing and/or restriction of private businesses, which closure orders are beyond the quarantine and isolation powers granted to the Ohio Department of Health by Ohio Revised Code 3701.13. These orders of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity have created public inconvenience, alarm, and fear in the citizens of Ohio by depriving them of their constitutional rights protected under the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 10 of the Ohio Constitution. These official actions by Governor DeWine have resulted in record-high unemployment, causing not only increased poverty, depression, despair, fear, and suicides, but also the necessity for state and local government budget cuts impacting schools and social programs.

Governor DeWine has also held private businesses and their corresponding licenses hostage through the use of coercion by subordinate government officials to enforce his arbitrary and unlawful orders. Since at least March 2020, over 790,000 individuals have filed for unemployment benefits totaling over $6 billion dollars in economic harm to the taxpayers of Ohio due to these unconstitutional executive and administrative orders. Additionally, thousands of private businesses have been forced to shut down and layoff their employees causing serious public inconvenience, alarm, and fear costing the citizens of Ohio billions of dollars in direct and indirect economic harm due to lost wages and salaries.

Additionally, Governor DeWine has demonstrated grotesque discrimination against the medical health and welfare of the general population of Ohio by denying nonemergency healthcare, by which discrimination resulted in needless fear, suffering, worsening of treatable conditions, increased poverty due to the higher cost of delayed treatment, increased depression, increased despair, and increased suicides. Governor DeWine’s official actions of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, through orders associated with, planned, and enforced by the Department of Health, have caused serious public inconvenience, alarm, and fear. As a result, millions of Ohioans were deprived of their constitutional right to purchase health care under Article I, Section 21 (B) of the Ohio Constitution. Additionally, under threat of credible criminal prosecution of a second-degree misdemeanor carrying a ninety-day jail sentence and/or a fine of $750/each, Ohioans were prohibited from purchasing healthcare in violation of Article I, Section 21 (C) of the Ohio Constitution.

Due to these executive and administrative orders planned and authorized by Governor DeWine, thousands of individuals, who reside at Ohio government administered healthcare facilities such as skilled nursing homes, have suffered continuous neglect through forced isolation and fear which has exacerbated their already serious medical conditions.

Since at least March 2020 and to present, Governor DeWine has intimidated, coerced, and caused serious public inconvenience, alarm, and fear by unlawfully placing nearly 12 million Ohioans (effectively) under house arrest and to wear facial coverings, subject to government-approved exceptions, thereby violating millions of Ohioan’s legal freedoms of association and civil liberties and due process rights under threat of credible criminal prosecution of a second-degree misdemeanor carrying a ninety-day jail sentence and/or a fine of $750/each

According to the Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 10a(D), your Affiant is a victim and “a person against whom the criminal offense or delinquent act is committed or who is directly and proximately harmed by the commission of the offense or act.”

I, Renea D Turner, am deriving my just power endowed by my creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers, my right and my duty to alter or abolish “dissolve the political bands ” by immediately removing the Tyrant, Governor Mike DeWine. For committing Tyrannus acts against Ohioans.

This is do ordered by


Renea D. Turner

One people of America
